Few things bring Indians together for a common cause as cricket does. From the thousands of games being played across the country every day to the unwavering support provided to the national team, whether at the stadiums or in front of the TV, this country is, without a doubt, cricket crazy.
Why is Cricket so popular in India?
1. Cricket is the game of the masses
A common factor among the most popular games in the world is that they are easy to play and do not require lots of specialised equipment, and cricket definitely falls into that category. Although a game of cricket requires a little more than a game of football, which you can play on your own with just one ball, it does not take much for a game of cricket to be played. If you have a bat, a ball, or even items that can take their place, as well as a friend, you can start a game of cricket. In fact, even if you’re on your own, you can practice your shots against a wall or on a ball hanging from a string.

However, some of our most cherished memories are of playing games of cricket in our neighbourhoods with our friends. Whether it’s in the park or in tiny lanes, a game of cricket can be organised virtually anywhere, with all manner of objects serving as wickets, imaginary boundaries, and rules specific to your particular neighbourhood.
Of course, if you wish to pursue it seriously, then you not only need better cricket equipment, a thorough understanding of the rules of the game, and to carve out time from your schedule to practice regularly but if you’re playing for pure pleasure, you can get involved in a game with minimal effort.