WWE returned to India after a long time on September 8 for a live event. The Superstar Spectacle show was held at Gachibowli Indoor Stadium in Hyderabad and featured many top stars of WWE. The event began with a tag team match that saw Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens take on the Indus Sher. The Indian pair was accompanied by Jinder Mahal , who did not take long to interfere in the match. The match ended without a result and Drew McInytre came to the rescue and set up a six-man tag team match.
WWE Superstars seen vibing to Indian music
McIntyre and Sami Zayn were seen dancing to the beats of Indian music to kick off the action-packed show. After this, Zoey Stark faced Natalya in a #1 contender’s match for the Women’s World Championship. The interesting part of this match was when the Indian crowd started chanting CM Punk. He has been a big part of WWE and even after leaving the company, the fans are seen chanting his name at many live events , expecting him to return. The same was seen in India. Although Natalya won against the 29-year-old, she was defeated in the title match against Rhea Ripley later that night. This was her 20th loss against Ripley.
Khali will return to fight
Gunther was also in action, defeating Shanky to become the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time. He cemented his epic reign with a dominating victory over the Indian star. This match was Shanky’s first one in over a year. In another match, we saw Braun Breaker defeat Odyssey Jones in a singles match. The event got more enlightened when The Great Khali came out and greeted the crowd. The 51-year-old stated that he is coming out of retirement and said “Tiger is still alive”.
Cena and Rollins teamed up
The main event of the night was headlined by 16-time World Champion John Cena, who teamed up with his former rival Seth Rollins and faced The Imperium’s Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser. Cena and Rollins defeated the pair and addressed the Indian fans after the match. The WWE Stars thanked the people in the arena for giving them wonderful moments.
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