No NBA player is completely hated by the fans, but there are certainly more than a few players who either were or have become some of the most hated names in the game. The reasons why a player gets hated so much often vary, but there seem to be some trends. Players who grumble or complain, employ dirty tactics in the game, and become a little too vocal can garner a lot of hate. On this note, let’s have a look at some of the players in history who are most hated.
10. James Harden

Everyone, including even Harden fans, agrees that he is really annoying at times. To make matters worse, he has had altercations with some teammates in the past, and fans often get irritated by his actions. Harden still manages to play brilliantly in most cases, but he has not been able to impress that much when it matters most.
9. Shaquille O’Neal

As much as Shaq is loved, he is a hated figure as well. His many ventures outside the NBA are the only reason why many are tired of this man and his attitude is often the real issue. Many people point out how he has treated former teammates in interviews and even in public. Almost anyone who is a big fan of Kobe Bryant probably doesn’t look back on Shaq so admirably.
8. Kevin Durant

Few people feel that the hatred towards Durant is really not justified. While some people object to his attitude while playing, it seems that most of his hatred came due to his move to the Golden State Warriors in 2016. Many believe that Durant only moved to the Warriors so he could win the championship because at that time, the Warriors were at their peak, filled with monstrously strong players. Some say it is not a big reason to hate a player, but everyone has different opinions.
7. Paul Pierce

There were a lot of people who respected Paul Pierce’s fiery style, but most people came to hate him at some point. He was a player who felt like the best player on the court in every contest, regardless of the outcome. Because of that, Pierce was often at odds with major stars such as Kobe Bryant. Even when his playing career was over, he continued to talk trash with criticism of modern stars like LeBron James, giving an entirely new generation of fans a reason to hate him.
6. Dwight Howard

There have been a few people who have complained about Dwight Howard being injury-prone, but that is not the only reason he is hated. The real reason appears to be how difficult it is sometimes to work with Howard when it comes to the coaching staff. He has made several public statements about both the coaching staff he has worked with and those he prefers to work with. Howard even felt that he should be the one to choose who would be his coach, which did not sit well with people who like humble players.
5. Chris Paul

Chris Paul isn’t the bad guy, but he definitely has a habit of annoying people. His constant complaining to the authorities irritates fans, especially when it helps Paul get his way. He also appears to be overbearing, for lack of a better term. And sure, plenty of NBA players are tough on their teammates, but those players usually have the rings to back up their attitude.
4. Kevin McHale

Very few basketball players have busted out professional wrestling moves on the court, but Kevin McHale once absolutely clotheslined a man during the 1984 NBA Finals. He was always an outspoken player on the court, but this was the moment that made him a hated figure forever. McHale was one of the key players of the dominant Boston Celtics of that era, which only added to the hatred he received. Although he may be looked upon fondly, there are still many people who hate him for what he did on the court.
3. Vince Carter

Rather than being a dirty player or a loudmouth, Vince Carter is hated more for his playing style. He was often criticized as someone who played around too much and also took shots he should never have attempted. Any NBA fan knows that wasting possessions can lead to frustration. If your players are not operating in an efficient and calculated manner, chances are your team is not making as many baskets as they could. Despite all the hate, Carter is still considered a great player.
2. Bruce Bowen

Bruce Bowen was one of the toughest players on the court and this thing made the NBA fans so angry. Fans like when their players play hard but not when they go too far. Some people stated that Bowen would engage in relatively irresponsible and dangerous play for no real reason. His willingness to risk everything to make a play or stop a team in their tracks was something that made most people think twice.
1. Vernon Maxwell

Vernon Maxwell was a player who always had a bit of a reputation throughout his career, but Vernon made things so bad when he punched a fan in the face. This was not a result of a fan harassing him in his free time, but instead, he ran up to a fan in the middle of the game and slugged him. This whole thing was a mess and there was a clear divide between Maxwell and his other teammates, making him an even more universally hated player.
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