Bollywood celebrities Ranveer Singh, Dino Morea, and star child Ibrahim Ali Khan spend their weekend playing a football match on Sunday. The Bollywood Celebs were captured being engaged in a game round. The celebrities are members of the All-Stars Football Club, which organizes games to raise money for charity while also promoting football in India. Many Bollywood stars, as well as cricket players, take part in the club’s matches. Moreover, we even got to saw MS Dhoni & Ranveer Singh together.
MS Dhoni, the former Indian captain, and Bollywood star Ranveer Singh were spotted playing football together in Mumbai. The two were seen having some lighthearted moments in between games. They were spotted embracing and giggling hysterically. Several other Bollywood stars, like Dino Morea, joined them for football practice as well.
MS Dhoni & Ranveer Singh:
Having said that, the paparazzi caught a private scene of Ranveer and Dhoni hugging one other after their victory. Singh has always been a big fan of Dhoni and has always been seen praising him for his commitment to the game.
Ranveer Singh also posted photos of himself and Dhoni from yesterday’s football practice session. The two can be seen having a pleasant moment while sitting on the ground. Ranveer captioned the picture on Instagram, “Bade Bhai ke charno main hamesha. My Jaan.”
Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh with Deepika Padukone stunned everyone in Kabir Khan’s sports film 83. In this film, he portrayed cricketer Kapil Dev and she played his on-screen wife Romi Dev. After this film, he was seen in ‘Jayeshbhai Jordaar,’ directed by Divyang Thakkar, and Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus.
Talking about Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni plays professionally. In limited-overs formats from 2007 to 2017 and in Test cricket from 2008 to 2014, he served as the leader of the Indian national team. One of the best cricket captains, wicketkeeper-batsmen, and finishers in history is largely regarded as MS Dhoni.
Fans were in awe of the pictures of their favourite Bollywood actor Ranveer and favourite cricketer Dhoni. So, this was all about the unseen throwback pics of the iconic duo MS Dhoni & Ranveer Singh. Also read, #TB: Trolls slam Sara Ali Khan for celebrating IPL finale.