Neeraj Chopra, an Olympic gold medallist, has a net worth of over Rs 31 crore, claims Aaj Tak. His historic triumph at the 2020 Olympics, where he won India’s first-ever gold medal in athletics with a powerful javelin throw of 87.58 metres, contributed significantly to his riches. Read on to know more about the new Neeraj Chopra’s Range Rover SUV.
Chopra received a number of large financial awards in addition to the medal itself for his accomplishment. Several state governments and private entities honoured him. His fame increased dramatically after the Tokyo achievement, making him a sought-after star for business dealings.
Chopra has added a new beast to his collection and has been seen driving a few high-end vehicles recently. The 25-year-old reportedly spent Rs 93 lakh on a brand-new Range Rover Velar SUV in the hue of black for his residence.
Neeraj Chopra’s Range Rover SUV:
In a photo posted online by a Land Rover car dealer, the Olympic gold medallist showed off his brand-new Range Rover Velar with pride. They praised him on his most recent acquisition and welcomed Neeraj Chopra to the Range Rover family. Two main engine choices are available for the five-seater vehicle: a 2-litre gasoline engine with 250 horsepower and a 2-litre diesel engine with 204 horsepower.
The upscale SUV, which is renowned for its svelte look, has an electronic air suspension system that guarantees a smooth ride in a variety of road conditions. Modern features like leather seats, a 10-inch touchscreen infotainment system, premium audio systems, and different connectivity options are available inside the car’s roomy cabin.
The vehicle also has a number of airbags, anti-lock brakes, sophisticated driver-aid systems, and stability controls. The Range Rover Sport is a different Range Rover that Chopra owns, according to Autobizz. The athlete also has a Mahindra XUV700 Gold Edition, which Anand Mahindra gave him as a prize for winning the gold medal.
Chopra has won two Diamond League championships and a silver medal at the World Championships since taking home the Olympic gold. Chopra, who just sustained an injury, will probably miss the following two Diamond League games in order to recover in time for the World Athletics Championships, which will take place in Budapest in August.
So, this was all about the new Neeraj Chopra’s Range Rover. Also read, Inside Sunil Chhetri & Virat Kohli candid conversations.