For a few days, Bigg Boss 17 contestants and host Salman Khan have been seen celebrating. Previously, everyone gathered for a Diwali party, and the attendees, along with Salman Khan, cheered on the India national cricket team as they prepared to face Australia in the finals on Sunday, November 19, 2023. Salman Khan updates all of the contestants on the 2023 Cricket World Cup in a new promo video, bringing WC fever inside the house.
Everyone begins cheering for Men in Blue as soon as the Bollywood star informs them of the upcoming finals. The promo then shows Salman entering the house and playing cricket inside a small net in the garden. Following that, other contestants such as Munawar Faruqui, Samarth Jurel, and Vicky Jain play the role of batter for a day.
Salman Khan plays cricket in the house:
Colors TV’s official Instagram account posted the latest promo video with the caption, “Chaayega India-India ka josh, jab set hoga BB house mein cricket ka mahaul. Dekhiye #BiggBoss17, sirf #Colors aur @officialjiocinema par, 10 PM Mon-Fri & 9 PM Sat-Sun. BiggBoss #BB17.” Check out the Bigg Boss 17 viral promo video below.
Cricket fever in Bigg Boss 17 house!
Salman Khan plays cricket with BB17 contestants and wishes TEAM INDIA all the best for the FINALE. 🇮🇳
— #BiggBoss_Tak👁 (@BiggBoss_Tak) November 18, 2023
The entire country is gearing up to witness the historic World Cup Finale in 2023. Meanwhile, BB fans are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Weekend Ka Vaar episodes to see how the cricket fever spreads within the house. The upcoming action-packed episodes of Bigg Boss 17 will air on Jio Cinema and Colors TV on Saturday and Sunday at 9 p.m.
Bigg Boss 17, the popular Indian reality show, has returned with a vengeance. Although the show has only been on the air for a few weeks, it has quickly become a local favourite. Salman Khan’s reality show is becoming increasingly interesting and entertaining. The audience enjoys the daily dose of drama, entertainment, fights, and controversies. In just a few weeks, the reality show has created quite a stir on the internet.
Currently, the housemates in the Bigg Boss 17 reality show are Sana Raees Khan, Arun Mahshetty, Sunny Tehelka, Anurag Dobhal, Rinku Dhawan, Jigna Vora, Navid Sole, Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma, Mannara Chopra, Firoza Khan, Munawar Faruqui, Abhishek Kumar, Samarth Jurel, and Isha Malviya.
So, this was all about the video of Salman Khan plays cricket. Also read, Telugu heroine Rekha Boj to go nude on the beach if India wins!