Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosted the triumphant Indian cricket team at his private residence following their victory in the T20 World Cup final held in Barbados. This meeting was particularly significant as the Indian cricket team clinched a World Cup trophy after a long wait of 13 years. On June 29, Prime Minister Modi had already congratulated the team on their remarkable win and extended his best wishes to the retiring players, Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, and Ravindra Jadeja, acknowledging their invaluable contributions to Indian cricket.
The Indian cricket team arrived at Indira Gandhi Airport in Delhi on the morning of July 4, where enthusiastic fans, who had been eagerly waiting for three days, gave them a warm welcome. This victory was no easy feat, as the Indian team remained undefeated throughout the tournament, with each player making a significant contribution to the win.
In recognition of their achievement, Prime Minister Modi praised the team, highlighting how their victory would inspire young people to take an interest in cricket and how it has filled every Indian with pride. He recalled his visit to the Indian cricket team in the dressing room after their defeat to Australia in the final of the 2023 Cricket World Cup, where he had lauded their effort, hard work, and willpower.
The meeting at the Prime Minister’s residence lasted for about 15 minutes, during which Modi shared some memorable moments with the team and joined them for breakfast. Following this, the Indian team is set to head to Mumbai for a victory parade. The parade, scheduled for 5:00 PM, will take place from Marine Drive to Wankhede Stadium, with many fans expected to join in the celebrations.
“India, we want to enjoy this special moment with all of you. So let’s celebrate this win with a victory parade at Marine Drive & Wankhede on July 4th from 5:00 pm onwards. It’s coming home,” Rohit posted on X.
Prime Minister Modi’s encouraging words undoubtedly boosted the morale of the Indian cricket team, celebrating their hard-earned success and contribution to the nation’s pride.