Playing some of the most dangerous sports in the world carries the risk of broken bones, comas, paralysis, and even death. At PledgeSports, we’ve assisted teams and athletes from practically every sport in the world in raising funds via crowdsourcing.
It’s up to you whether you decide to play any of the top ten riskiest sports after reading this list of them, which we thought would liven things up a bit!
Most dangerous sports in the world:
10. Bull Riding:

Staying mounted on a bull for as long as possible while it tries to buck the rider is the goal of this rodeo sport. We get nervous just thinking about mounting a 1000 kg bull, so I suppose there isn’t much need to discuss the dangers involved in the sport itself.
With concussions accounting for the majority of injuries and damage to the neck, head, and face, it has been regarded as one of the riskiest sports in the world. Ballistic-material protective vests became required in 1989 after a bull gored and punctured cowboy Lane Frost’s heart.
The number of accidents in the sport has decreased thanks to this and several other safety precautions, but it is still the “most dangerous 8 seconds in sports” in spite of this. Although fatalities from rodeos are uncommon, injuries are extremely common. Since Professional Bull Riders was founded in 1992, there have only been three documented bull rider fatalities.
9. Rugby:

With 15 burly players on either team smashing against each other for 80 minutes, there’ll definitely be sickening injuries. Players must carry the ball down the pitch while wearing mouthguards and spiked boots as their only forms of protection.
Because rugby players use their entire body to play the game, controversial techniques like shoulder barging, body checking, and lifting tackles have been used. The injuries that players may sustain from these plays include tetraplegia, dislocated shoulders, torn ligaments, and concussions.
According to recent data, athletes who sustain repeated concussions are also at an increased risk of developing dementia, brain damage, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE).
Over a dozen professional rugby players have died as a result of collisions and rough tackles since 2001. It is not unexpected that 1 in 4 rugby players will sustain an injury during the season. In fact, it is rare to watch a game these days without witnessing a player leave the field hurt.
8. Car Racing:

Accidents are practically a given when cars race across the sand (Dakar Rally) or a racecourse (NASCAR) at over 150 mph. As car technology improves every year, one would think races ‘should be safer,’ but in reality, they are not. Auto racing is still one of the riskiest sports in the world because of things like bad weather and driver error.
It takes a very brave or very stupid person to be blitzing around a course in a carbon fibre box at an average speed of 175 mph while trying not to crash. Helmets and fire-retardant suits protect drivers, but they are not always effective. Frequent injuries include fractured bones, significant blood loss, head trauma, etc.
Since it began in 1911, the Indianapolis 500 has influenced everything from racing memorabilia to culture. But since its start, the Indianapolis 500 has also resulted in 41 fatalities. Since 2001, there have been more than 40 driver fatalities at significant racetracks in more recent times.
7. Big Wave Surfing:

In the sport of big wave surfing, expert surfers either paddle into or are towed onto waves that are at least twenty feet high. The most sought-after title is riding a terrifying 100-foot wave, with a $100,000 reward.
Drowning, being dragged into the water by the current, or even being smashed up against the hidden underwater rocks are some of the major risks associated with this sport. Even in typical surf conditions, getting whacked by the surfing board is not impossible.
6. Street Luge:

Another dangerous sports, street luge is similar to skateboarding, but instead of skating down a paved road or course at a high speed, the rider is supine on a luge board or sledge.
This extreme gravity-powered activity is questionably legal. It is mandatory for participants to wear protective gear, such as helmets and leather, to reduce the likelihood of being hit by cars that may not be aware of the riders. If there isn’t a collision on the road, your feet are the only brakes that function. The majority of injuries result from falls off the sledge.
5. Base Jumping/Wingsuit Flying:

If you believed that it was risky to jump from an aeroplane 15,000 feet above the ground, you should reconsider. Many seem to feel that this isn’t difficult enough, so they choose man-made structures like towers and cliffs. While it may seem safer to jump from such heights when in
Although it may seem safer to jump from such heights, doing so is usually more difficult because there is hardly any time to deal with any issues or deploy the parachute.
In actuality, BASE is an acronym for the kinds of objects that people leap off. It stands for Earth (natural formations like cliffs, canyons, gorges, etc.), Spans (or bridges), Buildings, and Antennas (towers). Since Carl Boenish created it for the first time in 1978, its use has increased. Additionally, it is the fastest sport in the world, reaching speeds of up to 400 km/h!
Since skydiving and wingsuit jumping are governed by very specific laws and require specific training, there are actually very few casualties in wingsuit flying. But base jumping is a whole different story—there were 37 fatalities in 2016—and it may have the highest death rate on this list!
Parachuting from an aircraft has a rate of injury and death that is 43 times lower than that of BASE jumping. The BASE Fatality List shows that 383 people have died while BASE jumping since April 1981 as of February 14, 2020.
4. Climbing:

It is not too difficult to understand that mountain climbing is basically the dangerous activity of ascending and descending the tallest of natural rocks, which are mountains, and that there is danger involved in every aspect of this activity.
During strenuous physical activities or falls, the climber may sustain a variety of physical injuries, such as twisted ankles, sprained muscles, torn ligaments, broken bones, back injuries, concussions, or frostbite.
Deaths are common, path loss is easy, and weather changes have the potential to be fatal.
3. Boxing:

It should not be shocking that a contact sport where the player’s only objective is to punch his opponent causes injuries. Ninety per cent of boxers experience brain damage during their career, according to statistics. Later in life, they might even be more susceptible to conditions like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.
Bruising to the face, hands, and ribs is the most common injury sustained by boxers. fractures, dislocated shoulder, cuts (lacerations), carpal tunnel syndrome, and concussions
Doesn’t that sound frightening? But the chance of getting hurt can be reduced with the right gear.
2. Motorbike Racing:

Imagine trying to send your body hurtling down a track at over 100 mph while driving a crotch rocket; that would be insane. wearing a helmet and just a few layers of Kevlar for protection. In motorcycle racing, third-degree abrasions and broken bones are the least serious injuries.
Nevertheless, thousands gather annually on the Isle of Man for six days of racing that is regarded as the oldest in motorcycle history. The world’s most hazardous race is the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy.
First off, there isn’t a specific course. The race winds through the town over a 37-mile stretch that has 250 turns. On public roads with homes, stone walls, and hedges just feet away, riders average 120 mph. 48 of the 240 riders who have died participating in its 107 years of existence have done so since 2001.
1. Equestrian:

So how dangerous sports is horseback riding in real life? It may surprise you to learn that riding horses is risky in any capacity. It is undeniably dangerous to ride on the back of an erratic, moving, living thing that weighs eight times as much as you. Regardless of the amount of padding and protection, you may be wearing, it is extremely difficult to anticipate a horse falling or stuttering slightly.
It goes without saying that different events in equestrian disciplines can cause and result in different injuries. Given the higher and trickier jumps compared to dressage, show jumping may appear to carry a higher risk.
So, this was all about the most dangerous sports. Also read, How much do UFC fighters get paid? Top richest UFC fighters