On Thursday, former India captain MS Dhoni was in Mumbai to attend friend and actor Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday party. On the same day, India was playing Sri Lanka in an ODI World Cup match thousands of kilometres away from where Dhoni was. Cricket legend MS Dhoni appeared to be attending the bash alone, according to photos shared by Fauzia Adeel Butt, Producer & CEO- FAB Entertainment.
He posed with Fauzia, but not with his wife, Sakshi Dhoni. Dhoni looked dapper in a black blazer and a black shirt. Pictures and videos from that event have gone viral on social media. However, cricket fans have bombarded the timeline with their favourite cricketer. The netizens were quick and sly to spot him in these star-studded pictures.
Even though many Bollywood personalities were present at the party, the fans could not take their eyes off the legendary cricketer. For the unversed, recently Shah Rukh Khan celebrated his birthday. King Khan kept his special day busy by treating each of his fans individually. He first released Jawan on Netflix, then Dunki Drop 1.
Cricket legend MS Dhoni at SRK’s bash:
MS Dhoni attended Shah Rukh Khan birthday celebration.#SRK #Dhoni pic.twitter.com/ACiAlbJyoz
— Ambani (@duniyakadevta) November 3, 2023
He also went to a meet-and-greet for his fans. He naturally appeared on the balcony of his home Mannat to greet all of the fans who had gathered outside. A party was later allegedly held to celebrate his 58th birthday. Kareena Kapoor Khan took to social media to share some photos of herself and her girl gang getting ready to celebrate Bollywood’s Badshah.
Kareena Kapoor Khan shared photos of herself, Karisma Kapoor, and Amrita Arora on Instagram. To celebrate Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday, the ladies were all glammed up and dressed to the nines. Brandon Maxwell’s Cascade front silk white tube dress was worn by Kareena Kapoor Khan. She accessorized her gown with a diamond necklace with a large ruby. In a green sequence gown, Karisma Kapoor looked stunning. Amrita Arora, like many other women, was obsessed with bling.
According to reports, this party was held not only to celebrate Shah Rukh Khan’s 58th birthday but also to celebrate his manager Pooja’s 40th birthday. However, only a few photos from the party have made their way online. In 2023, Shah Rukh Khan had a fantastic year. His films Pathaan and Jawan did extremely well at the box office.
So, this was all about the cricket legend MS Dhoni at SRK’s birthday party. Also read, Sara Ali Khan confirmed Shubham Gill & Sara Tendulkar bond?