India’s former Captain & ‘Thala’ of CSK never fails to grab the headlines. This time the prolific player is turning heads around with his new look of ponytail. A video went viral on Saturday when the MS Dhoni was seen in a dapper new look with a ponytail. The look takes us back to the times when Dhoni just made his debut with Men in Blue in long hairs. Down the line, MS Dhoni’s same vintage look has caught the awe of fans who love to see their Thala back in long hair.
Watch MS Dhoni’s New look in a Ponytail here:
MS Dhoni in Pony-Tail hairstyle.
– New look for Thala….!!!!
— Johns. (@CricCrazyJohns) September 30, 2023
After making his International Debut, Dhoni’s long hair became a part of his identity. Even on a tour of Pakistan in 2005-2006, the President of the neighboring country Parvez Musharraf praised MSD for his new look & had asked him not to cut his hair.
However, after two years Dhoni cut his hair when he became India’s Captain in White Ball format. It was the beginning of the most successful era of the Indian Cricket team. Since then he has not grown his hair to shoulder length & has kept it short. But now with his retirement standing next door, MS Dhoni is treating his fans with his new look. And guess what fans love those long hair of their Thala.
MS Dhoni is no less than 42 years handsome Hung
MS Dhoni is 42 years old but he is still fit & kicking. Whenever he is spotted on roads or on the field he doesn’t fail to grab the eyeballs of fans either for his look or for his humble nature. Recently, when Hardik Pandya denied Tilak Verma a deserved fifty by himself hitting the winning runs, a comparison between him & Dhoni started on Twitter. Fans started saying that not everyone could be Dhoni who allowed Virat to hit the winning runs in a crucial World Cup 2011 fixture.
Under his Captaincy, MS Dhoni helped CSK to win their fifth IPL trophy. Dhoni has also postponed his retirement from IPL & said that if his witness permits he will feature in the IPL 2024. Just after the conclusion of IPL 2023, Dhoni underwent surgery on his troubling knee in Mumbai & has been rehabilitating since then in Ranchi. He is looking in great form & there are chances that he will feature in the next edition of the Indian Premier League. If fans get a chance to witness their ‘Thala’ play one more time then his new look of long hair will be an icing on the cake for them.
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