At the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on Wednesday, October 4, India captain Rohit Sharma had a memorable encounter with former WWE wrestler The Great Khali. The meeting, which took place during the All Captain’s Meet before the World Cup 2023 opener, ended up being the event’s high point. As the captains got ready for a photo shoot, the ICC posted a “behind the scenes” on their social media pages. Check out the viral pic of Rohit Sharma meet Khali.
The Great Khali was available for interaction with Rohit Sharma and the other captains throughout the photo shoot. During a special photo opportunity with all the team leaders, Rohit Sharma gave Khali a World Cup 2023 t-shirt as a token of friendship and respect. Watch the video below to witness this momentous occasion.
Rohit Sharma has since arrived in Chennai with the rest of the team following the All Captain’s Meeting. On October 8, they will play Australia to begin their World Cup campaign. The home team had to travel almost 3,400 kilometres from one end of the country to the other as part of their preparations for the ICC World Cup that was held in India.
Both of India’s practice matches in Guwahati and Thiruvananthapuram had to be abandoned due to the heavy rain, which left a bitter taste in their mouths. India, a two-time World Cup winner, is getting ready to start its championship defence in the competition.
Rohit Sharma meets Khali:
Their opening matchup will be against the formidable Australia, who have won the tournament five times. The match is set to take place on Sunday in Chennai. Cricket fans can’t wait to see how the action plays out as the stage is set for an entertaining and competitive tournament.
Fans of the cricketer left hilarious replies on the viral pic. The social media is buzzing with memes of Khali and Rohit Sharma. Check out some of the epic Tweets below.
One Question?
— Anuragi Ki Kalam Se (@anuvedi) October 5, 2023
Did you guys know their weight are same
— Mukul (@mukuljakhar07) October 5, 2023
Oh bhai bhai…hath na daba dena khali sahab….rohit bhai ne chhake marne hain
— Ankit Khanna (@ankit_khanna) October 5, 2023
Khalli Bhai hath daba k fracture na kar dena
— anees ur rehman (@an33s) October 5, 2023
Pahli baar Rohit bhai duble lage
— Shardul🇮🇳🗨 (@asliwiseman) October 5, 2023
— Chatur (@ChaturGPT) October 5, 2023
England and New Zealand will play in the opening match of the ODI World Cup 2023, and Ahmedabad will enjoy clear skies. Because there is almost little chance of rain, we may expect a 50-over match from both sides without any breaks.
So, this was all about Rohit Sharma meet Khali. Also read, ODI World Cup 2023 | Match 1: Weather & Pitch Report.