Kapil Dev, a true legend in Indian cricket, is not renowned for holding back when it comes to expressing his views on hot-button issues in the Gentlemen’s Game. The 1983 World Cup champion is not thrilled with how Indian cricket has changed in recent years. Since key player injuries have a negative impact on the team’s performances in major events. Cricket legend Kapil Dev has questioned the commitment of Indian celebrities, claiming they would rather sit out the Indian Premier League (IPL) than play through minor injuries for the national team.
A year after leaving the Indian team, famed pacer Jasprit Bumrah was questioned by Kapil in an interview with The Week about his growth. The ODI World Cup is rapidly approaching, and Kapil believes it would be a waste of time if Bumrah weren’t well enough to play in the major tournament.
Cricket legend Kapil Dev:
Kapil Dev remarked, “What became of Bumrah? He began his work with such confidence, but if he doesn’t make it (to the World Cup semifinal or final), we wasted our time on him. Such a talented cricketer, Rishabh Pant. Our Test cricket would have been greater if he had been present.”
Even though Kapil thinks the IPL is fantastic, he is not happy to see players prioritise the T20 competition over their international obligations.
“God is good; after all, I have experienced injuries before. However, they now play for 10 months of the year. Give that the benefit of the doubt, but each person must take care of themselves. IPL is fantastic, but it can also ruin you. Because you can play in the IPL even with a few injuries. You won’t be able to play for India if you get a few ailments. You would stop and rest. I’m being pretty honest about it,” the illustrious all-rounder declared.
He concludes, “If it’s a vital game in the IPL, you would play even with a minor injury. The cricket board needs to determine how much cricket they should play at this point. That is the essential point. If you don’t have a three- or five-year calendar but you do have resources and money today. There’s a problem with the cricket board there.”
So, this was all about the Cricket legend Kapil Dev. Also read, SHOCKING HINT Lionel Messi for 2026 World Cup participation.