Mixed Martial Arts is the fastest-growing sport and is watched all over the world. Even if you are not a fan of MMA, you must have heard of different types of matches, styles, and fights, like cage fighting. The film industry has also made many action films based on MMA, but that doesn’t mean every movie out there made on MMA is good or worth watching. With that said, We will tell you about some of the best films that are based on MMA, and you should definitely give them a watch. Either you are a cinephile or a MMA fan, these movies will give you a dose of entertainment for sure.
Bloodsport (1988)

This movie is a true MMA classic straight from the 80s, when the sport was known by very few people. The film is based on the true story of Frank Dux, who was an accomplished martial artist and author. Bloodsport displays some great action scenes and skills. It strikes the perfect balance between drama and fast-paced action. In the film, Dux takes part in a tournament where fighters with different styles battle against each other. The lead actor in the movie is Jean-Claude Van Damme, and this was the role that made him popular too.
Smashing Machine (2002)

This film gives a great portrayal of what it takes to become an MMA fighter. Smashing Machine delves deep into the personal world of former UFC fighter Mark Kerr. It gives an insight into the fighters and what their world looks like. It also helps you understand why not everyone can be a fighter. The film shows sacrifices and hard training; it is very raw and shows the ugly side of MMA, not only its positive side. The film covers everything from Mark’s drug addiction to his relationship problems with his girlfriend.
Enter The Dragon (1973)

The movie “Enter the Dragon” is world-famous. In the opening scene, Bruce Lee is seen competing in a type of MMA match. He is wearing open-fingered gloves, which were a novelty at the time. In fact, many professionals believe that these gloves were an inspiration for the creation of modern MMA gloves a few decades later. Lee is also called the father of MMA because he believed that no specific style was best and that every style was unique in its own way. He was also the first to realize that every fighter should learn other styles if they want to become a complete fighter.
The Hammer (2010)

This movie is very inspirational and shows that anything is possible if you believe in it. The Hammer centers on the true story of former UFC fighter Matt Hamill, who was the first deaf MMA fighter. This film depicts Hamill’s story and the struggles he faced while growing up as a deaf child. This didn’t stop him from winning an NCAA wrestling championship and also competing in the UFC. This movie is more about inspiring and motivating than blood and action, so you should definitely give it a watch.
Warrior (2011)

This is one of the most popular MMA movies out there. “Warrior” is one of those fighting movies that is popular among non-MMA fans as well. The main reason behind this is that it presents MMA fighters just as ordinary people,and another reason is that it stars popular actors like Tom Hardy. It tells the story of two brothers who are competing in the same MMA tournament for a prize of $5 million. It involves a lot of drama and the past issues that brothers have to face. The fight scenes in the movie are also very authentic because the actors have actually spent a lot of time preparing with the MMA trainers.
Never Back Down (2008)

This film got so popular that thousands of fiery teens joined MMA academies around the world. From the grueling workouts and intense fight scenes to the amazing soundtracks, this movie has everything that can turn you into an MMA maniac. “Never Back Down” made a huge impact on the youth, and many people also see it as the MMA version of the widely popular “Karate Kid”. The movie is based on the life of a college kid who joins MMA to learn how to fend off his bullies, but to stop them once and for all, he has to face them in an illegal MMA tournament.
The Hurt Business (2016)

If you want to know about the history of MMA, this film is a great watch. It shows all the secrets behind the astonishing growth of sports. “The Hurt Business” stars famous UFC stars like Ronda Rousey and Jon Jones, among many other popular faces. The film is made after good research, so you can learn about some unique information that you have never heard of. The interesting thing is that this movie came out the same year that UFC was sold for $4 billion. If you want to know why someone would spend this much money on an MMA promotion, watch the film. The film highlights the personal side of the fighters, which the public doesn’t get to see.
Also Read:- The Insight: Best MMA Documentaries to watch