Asian Games 2023: In the first-ever 1-2 result for India in this event, the Indian team of champions Neeraj Chopra and Kishore Jena made history by winning both the Gold and Silver at the Javelin Throw competition in Hangzhou. Chopra had previously at the Asian Games of 2018 won the Gold with an incredible throw of 88.06m, and even then he has been unstoppable.
The Olympic, World, Asian, and Diamond League champion had made a name for himself in the competition. There didn’t seem to be anyone else who could challenge Chopra, especially after hearing that Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem had been injured and was out.
Chopra blasted an incredible missile with his first throw of the competition, clearing what appeared to be at least a stunning distance of more than 80m. However, the measures were unable to record the outcome of his first throw due to some technological difficulties. Chopra was given yet another opportunity to revise his initial effort.
Chopra’s second, or technically first, effort only yielded a meager result of less than 80m, proving that lightning did not strike again. However, in a perplexing turn of events, the authorities decided that they had captured Chopra’s initial effort, which was documented at 82.38m, giving Chopra the early advantage in the competition.
With his second try, Neeraj, as steely-eyed as ever, returned to the track and fired an absolute rocket that cleared 84.49m, surpassing his previous attempt.
The debate persisted because the umpire first declared Indian rival Kishore Jena’s second throw unlawful despite Jena being well inside the queue. However, it was rightly corrected, and Jena’s second throw, which measured 79.76, was recorded.
Chopra’s third throw appeared to be unsatisfactory, so he crossed the line by himself to avoid having the attempt recorded.
The competition was surprised, however, when Kishore Jena temporarily stole the gold from Neeraj Chopra with a jaw-dropping throw of 86.77 meters on his third try.
Neeraj Chopra’s fourth effort to unseat Jena from first place featured an absolute missile of 88.88 meters, thus the friendly competition worked.
Jena destroyed the rest of the competitors with her thunderous answer of 87.54m.
The remaining rivals were powerless to stop the dup from taking home the Gold and Silver by such a wide margin compared to the third-placed Japan.
The pair’s historic achievement brought India’s medal total to an astounding 80 medals, giving the Indian contingent their 10th and 11th medals of the day.
Also read, Asian Games 2023: India Wins Silver In Men’s Doubles Tennis